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Summer Project For 2024


Your challenge this summer is to produce one image for each of the four subjects listed below, except for item four, where you will need three images. You can interpret the subject in any way you like, providing it clearly relates to the subject.


Your entries must be taken in the summer recess period, from 7th June to 4th September 2024, so no dusting off old archive photos!


All entries must have at least 5 out of 6 images to qualify.


Entries must be correctly resized to maximum 1920 X 1200 pixels, (please note that if in portrait (upright) format is 1200 h x 800 w pixels) titled with just the subject and your name then submitted via the IOTPS competition secretary. Example file name would be "PAIR-Joe Bloggs.jpg" or "UNIFORM-John Smith.jpg" - no fancy titles please - just the subject name - this will help the Competition Secretary enormously. 


The following are the 4 subjects for the Summer Project (only one digital image per subject for the first 3 topics please)


  1. Capture a reflection 

  2. UPDATED Choose your best PDI image taken during the summer break, i.e. between 7th June and 4th September.

  3. Produce an image of beauty from the mundane.


Mundane is defined in the dictionary as: Humdrum, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome, wearisome, unexciting, uninteresting, uneventful, repetitive, repetitious, routine, ordinary, everyday, day-to-day, run-of-the-mill commonplace.


 So, it could be things you see daily and have lost interest in!


   4. Colour: Produce three images, one of each of the following colours: Yellow, Green, and Red.


   It can be anything as long as the predominant colour in your image is one of the listed colours above. 


Images must be uploaded by midnight on 4th September via the competition secretary. On the evening of the competition, which will be on 12th September, everyone will get a score sheet and judge the images presented. You’ll need to put your name on the sheet and definitely no scoring your own entries I'm afraid!


The completed score sheets will, over the course of the following week, be added up, the scores will be amalgamated to arrive at the winner of each section and then the overall winner.


Please have a go, as It is always so exciting and enjoyable to see and share your great images.


Have a great Summer, and a huge thank you for all your support for the Club this season. 

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